Let’s Talk About Break-ups!

Pre-Script – This is just a fellow human’s take on the subject. Feel free to agree/disagree. And if that is based on some matter then feel free to share them with me. Otherwise use this feature on your device that is even available on windows phones these days (yes, we still exist) called ‘IGNORE’. And no, everybody is not entitled to their opinions; everybody is entitled to their Informed Opinions, as Lilly Singh and HumbleThePoet very nicely pointed out. *sighs* Wasn’t that a salty start? Perfect!

Did you go through a break up recently? Do you sulk over it? Do you despise your ex-partner? Do you hate their whole ‘kind’, at least for the time being? Do you take back every nice thing you said about that individual that “broke your heart”? Do you explicitly believe that your ex-partner deserves to be miserable for the rest of their sorry lives? Do you think you have been made a fool of? Do you want defame this ‘creature’ to anyone who would listen?

Okay maybe this is going too harsh. Maybe you wish them the best. Maybe you wish you had done some things differently. Maybe you wish you guys were better friends first. Maybe you wish you respected your ex-partner enough to not rat out on your intimate details. Maybe the situation got in the way to have intercourse with you before you guys could. Or maybe that happened too. Either way you feel fucked now. Oh wait that was the very word I was trying to avoid earlier. And maybe you can’t help feeling miserable, just like I cannot help using the f-word no matter how hard I try! May be it is for the best but your anxiety is unable to grasp such complexity. Maybe you feel guilty. Maybe you feel worthless. Maybe you wish you could cease to exist. Maybe you never even thought about it. Maybe I just put that in your head. Maybe I should stop.

But MAYBE it doesn’t freaking matter!

Because blah, blah, blah, you have heard it all. Life goes on, it was just a phase, no mistakes just lessons bullshit, not everything is supposed to last forever bullshit, shit happens but you carry on; no no no no no. I am not here to tell you any of that! Now follow very closely what I say next.

Brooding over break-ups is like fighting for the Iron throne while the army of the dead comes and kills them all.

You might think the iron throne is worth killing for, misusing, tricking and dishonouring people and it is worth losing your honour and self-respect (unless you are the Greyjoys or the dothrakis, in which case you didn’t have any to begin with) and people might even root for you. But none of that is going to stop the whitewalkers (even if you are a dragon) that are eventually coming. Jon Snow may not know much but he sure as hell knows his priorities. Like he implied, alive vs. the dead. (I realize I'm calling that little voice in our head that sometimes give us decent advises that we completely ignore, Jon Snow. Guess we all are a bastard within! Or are we?!)

(Also I admit, I just wanted to vent over the awesomeness of GOT s07, and I eventually found the perfect sugar-coat for it! Guess I am Willy Wonka after all!)

As for who the “whitewalkers” stand for, you have to figure it out yourself! I think I have made enough points for a post. It could be Life in general that you miss out on, or a person that you refused to let in because you were too busy brooding over someone on top of some cliff trying to look better than Jon Snow, it could be your mental health, physical health, career, family ties, your hobbies, pet, neighbour’s car, earthquake, flood, global warming, Donald Trump, a meteorite, WHO KNOWS??

You probably regret clicking on this, don’t you?
Expected something that had some matter that was close to what you feel was ‘promised to you’ from the title. Now you wish you didn’t click on it in the first place. You wish you weren’t misguided into believing something that it’s not. You probably did because you trusted me to write something meaningful. You probably don’t want to tell all this on my face though because you don’t want to hurt my feelings. (Or you don’t care, which is fine too.) But you are very much sure that this is definitely not something you signed up for.
And now you are tempted to close this window. No matter how much you love me, because this is definitely the crappiest thing you have ever read.
I wish I could apologize.  
And I really wish you are able to comprehend the double meaning behind my rant.

The point I'm essentially trying to make above is that crushes are potentially a "clickbait". We see some aspects of a person that we dig (a.k.a Title of a video/blog/etc.) and decide to go for it. And if the content doesn't match the title, we close the damn window! Sooner we realize that lesser time we waste of course. And it is fine! Just because we fall for clickbaits, doesn't mean we are a promiscuous internet-surfer or anything! (God knows how hard I'm trying to keep this analogy alive) And if anyone holds it against us, not only are they not worth it, they are guilty of the same thing!
May be it won't hurt too much to suck it up, take responsibility for our actions, carry a mirror in the pocket at all times and try to be a hypocrite for as little time a day as humanely possible.

And while we are at it, may be we can even acknowledge that sadness can be our happy place to be at times..


P.s - No humans were (hopefully) hurt in the making of this post. It is genuinely intended to be a light-hearted take on the "hype" that is break-up. Have a laugh or two maybe! Or don't. Free world.


  1. Great that you're still getting time to write blogs.
    Keep it up.
    BTW, nice frozen spine thoughts on the subject.


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