Random Post #2

To be honest, i have a fair idea what i am about to write and if i allowed myself to think then i am sure i could have come up with something much better than just "Random Post #2". actually i am not very happy about this title. but its the other thing that i like even less : tickling my lazy arse (its a metaphor, so we will try not get visual here).Also i have decided to change the font of my blog because, well i love the archaic feel of it; kind of gives the feeling that i am using a typewriter. 
okay, i will get to the point now.

Lately i have been feeling confused a lot. 

okay you know what, i have ruined it for me now. i don't want to write about it anymore. may be later. no SURELY later! when i will come up with a better title. which WILL happen. 
and yes, ^this is directed towards me for i have this horrible habit of starting something and never finishing it. i get side-tracked so easily and no matter how firmly i say that i am going to come back and get to the bottom of it, i almost always never do.
i left dance owing to this trait of mine. yes, of course i was 'advised' by my parents to leave it for a few months to concentrate on my board exams (because back then it was a huge pressure - i have a terrible urge to laugh my pants off right now but back then, it really was a huge thing) and i only agreed 'cause i knew that i could leave my singing lessons as well, which i detested back then. i thought i would pick it up right after my exams were done but then one thing led to another and it never actually happened. now that i think about it, i really can't put my finger on 'what' exactly 'led to what' 'cause whatever it was, surely i could have dealt with it. but you know what they say "once you let something slip through your hands, it's slipped forever".
May be nobody says that because i just made it up, or may be i heard it somewhere i don't know, but the thing is to get the most out of things when you have it, till it slips through your fingers! 
now i have successfully confused myself to the bits. THERE! i did it again! and now i am humming :
"oops! i did it again.
i played with your heart
got lost in the game
oh baby, baby" --no STOP! i wasn't talking about this! i let myself get side-tracked again. this has GOT to stop!

okay so here is what is going to happen. by the end of this day, 02.11.2014, i am going to write something fruitful here. this post is already ruined as shit. in all seriousness i shouldn't post this at all and save myself the embarrassment. on second thoughts, however, i did write all these crap down. and who reads my shit anyway! also not posting it would mean that i disturbed my lazy arse for nothing, oh no, i couldn't do that to my arse!

before my roommates block me as well (they are my only loyal followers here) i am going to stop myself from writing any more horse shit. 
by tonight. something fruitful. Deal!

until 'then' then..


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