All My Demons Greeting Me As A Friend

[Title courtesy - Album title of Aurora. She is bloody brilliant, so check her out.]

Ah! Where do I even begin? Let’s see. My first instinct is to talk about what’s going on with my life (as an instance) and driving this entry in a depressing direction but my second instinct is to focus on the things that I do have in my control and hence keep the tone of the entry positive!

There is nothing wrong with either of them actually. It is foolish to assume that no one goes through ‘downs’ or that it is a completely pointless phase of your life, etc. ‘cause it really is a crucial part of our lives and it is important to acknowledge that. The only problem with the ‘negatives’ in our lives is that it is highly misunderstood, don’t you think?
For example, we always try to smile in a picture, irrespective of pouts or whatever the fuck kind of face we make; at the end of the day we always try to capture a happy memory. Even when it physically hurts to smile, we still try when it comes to framing a memory. ‘Cause we never want to be associated with the bad times. Even though it teaches us the most crucial of lessons we don’t want to embrace it.

When we are sad, we are advised to not be sad. Because of course it is that easy! Because of course we forgot to turn our happy switch ‘on’!

My point of all this is that everything that a person goes through is what defines them, is what makes them unique. Pretending to be happy when we are dead inside does not make us stand out. It just blends us in with the crowd. And deep inside, no matter how timid and fragile we seem, WE ALL WANT TO STAND OUT. PERIOD. (If you do not agree with me then try this exercise called “self-reflection”. And do it in front of a mirror.)

The point I’m essentially trying to make here by glorifying ‘sadness’ and ‘seemingly negative’ emotions is that it unfolds a side of our psyche that we are not much in tune with. It puts us out of our comfort zone and urges us to work exclusively on ourselves, to be a better version of ourselves. And that is such hard work, in a completely non-sarcastic way! I mean think about it, if you did not care much about what the society thinks and expects of you, would you still be doing what you are doing? Would you still be this version of yourself that you portray to be? If yes, then bloody great! But if not, then who are you? And sadly, many of us fail to reach to the answer in our lifetime.

How ironic is it that human beings give birth to human beings and then we are put into this formula that has been tried and tested for generations with the expectation of similar results although our very existence is ruled by emotions and conscience that cannot be quantified?

Marks, money, number of likes, etc., they are like sugar free sugar, you know. They almost fool you into thinking that it is Sweet. But deep down, you know it ain’t sugar! I know horrible analogy but I hope you get the point though. (I have recently switched to sugar-free and I'm feeling some type of way about it...I don't know, I'll figure it out!)

Let's not ostracize ourselves for who we are. Let's It eventually passes, if we stick around long enough.

And with that, I'm going to sign off!


  1. reading this made me feel like i was talking to myself. It still amazes me if i start thinking that every person is new invention and hence a new purpose. And each one of them has so many possibilities if only every single one was brave enough to see them. Although it might seem a little off-topic but this is exactly what was going on in my mind for the past few days and finally reading this just made me a little over excited.

    1. And I am so glad that chose not be anonymous this time! ;)


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