There are so many questions that plague us from time to time.
- What is the purpose of my life?
- What imprint am I leaving on this earth?
- Is there really any God?
- Who/what is God?
- If I am just a speck of dust in this universe than why do I even bother myself with, anything really?
- and so on..
Not so much the answers because more often than not, we don't even reach there. But just these questions are enough to murder 'sleep'.
And if we ever humour ourselves with the answers, it's amusing how quickly they conform with time. And that made me wonder how most of our choices are based on this particular factor. And that in turn made me want to characterise 'time' in general. And this is where I've reached so far :-
Time is an insecure piece of entity whose only form of validation is through Life.
I mean think about it, who(/what) even cares in Mars what time it is in Mars, considering there is no life in Mars? Or any other planet for that matter? Rocks don't care. Neither did earth before all these flora and fauna! Tectonic plates would have a gala time all day, unfazed and unperturbed. Literally no documentation of time.
And then came the mortals along with an appetite to survive. And suddenly TIME became the most precious entity to be around. One might be tempted to argue that it has been replaced by money now, but that cannot really be the case for any of us mortals now, can it?
I do feel like it has a sick sense of humour though. I mean it is basically the omnipotent and the omnipresent one in a way, won't you agree?
It must be so entertaining to see us taking ourselves so seriously and destroying each other in the process while we are really just a witness of time. And, dare I say, being absolutely pathetic at it. Because the rate at which we are going, there won't be much to document before long!
Makes me wish for the Universal language, that was talked about in the movie "Arrival", to be real. So we could learn to manipulate 'time' somehow! So we could may be warn the previous generations the consequences of taking Mother Nature for granted; how unsettling it could get for their own posterity in their selfish attempt at 'settling' their future.
May be X-Men should have been real, so they could send Wolverine from the future. Or may be Kyle Reese. I don't know. But someone needs to come from the future and stop us from messing with things that are greater than ourselves so that we can get out of our shallow bubble of selfishness and do something for the 'greater good' before it get's too late (don't care if I sound like the-young-and-not-so-humble Dumbledore here). Because that is the only way humanity gets saved in the movies. That and superheroes. May be it will work for us too!
May be X-Men should have been real, so they could send Wolverine from the future. Or may be Kyle Reese. I don't know. But someone needs to come from the future and stop us from messing with things that are greater than ourselves so that we can get out of our shallow bubble of selfishness and do something for the 'greater good' before it get's too late (don't care if I sound like the-young-and-not-so-humble Dumbledore here). Because that is the only way humanity gets saved in the movies. That and superheroes. May be it will work for us too!
Reminds me of a Geeta Saransh that I used to find exceedingly soothing as a kid, though I doubt I understood anything back then but it goes like this -
যা হয়েছে ভালোর জন্যই হয়েছে।
যা হচ্ছে ভালোর জন্যই হচ্ছে।
যা হবে তাও ভালোর জন্যই হবে।
তুমি কি হারিয়েছো যে তুমি কাঁদছো?
তুমি কি নিয়ে এসেছিলে যা তুমি হারিয়েছো?
তুমি কি তৈরী করেছো যা তোমার নষ্ট হয়ে গেছে?
তুমি যা নিয়েছো এখান থেকেই নিয়েছো।
যা দিয়েছো এখানেই দিয়েছো।
তোমার আজ যা আছে, কাল তা অন্য কারুর ছিল,
পরশু সেটা অন্য কারুর হয়ে যাবে।
পরিবর্তনই সংসারের নিয়ম।
Sad as it is, it's time to be our own superheroes. Because no one else can be one for us.
Bottom line, we can either live our lives being mean to one another / lead a shitty life in the pretense of 'stability' (who are we kidding we are all mortals!) OR we can try to pursue something that genuinely brings us happiness (without shortening our lives like drugs and all tend to!) and try to better our surroundings while at it for a sustainable future. Because if we don't, who will?
What do we have to lose that we aren't already?
What do we have to lose that we aren't already?
Let's live a little, shall we?
P.S. - This is an extension of a short film I had seen sometime back called Salt by Ollie Ritchie which you can see here. Or not. But I would recommend it.
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