How To Not Get "Friend-Zoned"

Are you familiar with this zone?
- Yeah..

Have you ever been in one?
- Of course..

Then worry no more. I'm about to tell you everything you need to know so you don't get friend-zoned.
Yes! You read it right!
This is the only tutorial you will ever need to survive this incredibly spooky and hostile zone.

So without further adieu,
let's get super real, super quick!

BUUT wait! Before we get there, let's quickly check what Google has to say about this:
Umm.... Okay.
But how about:
Shhh... Stop your thoughts right there. I know that your brain is exploding with combinations of:

  • "How very clever, no wonder I didn't even think about it!"
  • "Okay, who died and made her an expert again?" 
  • "What does that even mean?"
  • "Easy for you to say.."
  • and some other random shit.

Hear me out.

You like a person. You tell the person that you like him/her
You like A. You tell A that you like A. But A doesn't like you back but wouldn't mind being your friend if that's okay with you.

And here comes the tipping point.

If you agree to be A's friend now, then you are voluntering to be in A's "FRIEND-ZONE".
Nothing wrong with that. As long as you don't go back to your friends and tell them that A friend-zoned you. OR complain that you got friend-zoned.
Na-uh. You did it yourself.

Of course it's easier to decline the said "friendship" if A was never your friend to begin with. But in case the feelings pop up later in the friendship, then the whole cycle just begins and you got to do what you got to do. Heart-breaking, but necessary. See, when you continue to be "friends",
  1. It just hurts.
  2. You keep hoping that A will miraculously come around and that's unhealthy for everyone really. And if A does come around, it is because A (it is plain difficult to keep it gender neutral. I'm trying..God knows I am trying!) believes you guys are friends. That's just sad for A because you have always gone out your way to be nice to A (god it's annoying) although that's not how you usually behave with your friends.
  3. A takes advantage of your affection. That ought to suck.

Now, I have been in situations where I have told someone that I liked him, he said, "Got a girfriend, so friends?"
And I said, "No thank you 👎 Bye 👍"
I have also been in situations where I fell for a supposed "friend" (who believed that I got him out of his "friend-zone" by dating him) only to find that the only reason he was ever friends with me was because he "liked" me.
Let's just say, it has become 10 times harder for me to become friends with the males.

So yeah. Get the hell up. Look the hell around. Cut all the unnecessary ties and move the fuck on.
'Cause when you waste time whining, you lose time from winning!
(that just came out, from somewhere, I don't know...)

So until next time,
Live a little..


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