Note To The Future

I don't know if you are my child, my grandchild, my great grandchild or someone even further down the line. But whoever it is, I cannot express how happy I am for you because it seems like you have finally made it!
It means that you guys have come up with a whole new set of problems that my generation was not advanced enough to have. But more importantly, it means that we had finally figured our priorities out and succeeded in releasing you from the issues of our generation. It means we didn't fail you.
Is this confusing? I can understand how it could be. To be honest, I am too, to some extent. Like I wonder what your history syllabus is like. Are you still studying about the civilisations of the Indus Valleys and the Dravidians and the Mughals? And the many revolutions of the French, the Indians and the Americans?  I wouldn't be surprised, my grandparents studied about the same thing too. (Quality education right there)
Oh wait, I'm probably underestimating you. My bad. You see for most of us, real education happened the moment we began to realise the dichotomy of the modern days and the bygone era; when we tried to unlearn the millennium year old idea of normal and set out to define our own. I mean if you grow up calling something "ewwww" and realise that it is actually "WOW", you sometimes tend to relapse if you are not paying attention! But as my good friend often quotes:
The first thought that goes through your mind is what you have been conditioned to think,
what you think next defines who you are.
But if you are a lot in the future, then chances are you have probably read about the rise of some pretty badass revolutions that we are currently going through.

So here is what I hope your life is like. 

  1. You are born into this beautiful world free from the burden of any pre-concieved notions. You ease into your gender as you grow up. The only place it is of any concern is when you are buying your underwears.
  2. Adults aid you in your learning process but you are free to draw your own conclusions. You are constantly learning new perspectives from the adults and the children alike.
  3. You ALL are nurtured into being nice, smart and empathetic. (fun fact: only half the population is expected to be smart and the other half is expected to be nice from where I come from. And empathy is mostly an unknown quality)
  4. The only closet you need to come out of is the one labelled "AN ASSHOLE".
  5. You are who you want to be. You be with who you want to be with, even if that is with yourself. The world does not perish eitherway.
  6. You have freedom of speech and expression and exercise your freedom of choice in every aspect of your life. Now that obviously gives rise to assholes but there are means to take care of that.
  7. You don't consider yourselves superior to other living beings and take care of them like your own. You also recognise that you are an omnivore and that you contribute to the food chain just like every other living organism out there, failing which you might get referred to pt. 4.
  8. People in powerful positions think twice before abusing that power because of so many instances of downfall in the past.
  9. Law and order does what it is meant to, without exceptions. And in that order.
  10. The government is of the people, by the people and for the people. Irrespective of business tycoons, chai walas, monks, etc. the candidates make themselves worthy of running a country to the common people.

This does sound like an all-problems-are-solved kind of situation. Don't get me wrong, I am sure you got stuffs going on too.  But those are the stuffs that I cannot begin to imagine because I am not there yet. 
Heck, 70 years ago all people wanted was to get rid of the British Raj and form our own fucking country. So I understand how problems can crop up from the solutions to the problems prior to them. But we can definitely work on the quality of our problems by being (for the lack of a better word) Woke!

Or maybe, you guys don't exist. Maybe we got too late and I am talking to the void that we helped create. Maybe our hatred got in the way of progress and we spewed in our own negativity taking this incredible planet down with us.
Or may be it was just us, who knows?
Maybe some of us made it for a while on the spaceships. Until it became too much and ended up contributing to the space debris.

We, as in each one of us human beings, are temporary. But the future is absolute, no matter what. It is the integration of innumerable variety of presents that lead us upto itWhether we will be in it or not, will be decided by what we decide to do with our presents. 
So yes, the world DOES go haywire when 1 out of 7.2 billion people decides to take it for granted. And if that one person happens to be the leader of one of the most powerful or populous countries of the world, let's just say that it is highly unfortunate.

I, being a hopeless optimist, still hope that this note will reach you. And that you find it funny even, when you easily check all the boxes.

That's the future we are working towards.

That's the future I believe in.
Here's hoping that we do justice to you :(:

P.S.- I labelled it under 'Fiction' because that's what it is for now, wishful thinking. But that can change..


  1. I see depth in your words and dreams in your eyes ! It's fascinating !

  2. I am in awe. you really do make good use of that brain of yours.

  3. its true but funny about the idea of quality education😄.


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