The F-Word

First of all, I would like y'all to keep your volini gel handy, 'cause some butts are going to get hurt. When that happens, remember to put a little bit of balm on your bum instead of getting defensive. (that alliteration though!)

Let's take a moment to feast on this 
beauty, before going all hardcore..

Now, you might be wondering how erotic a piece can I possibly write about that you would need a balm to soothe your bottoms.
Valid question. Invalid context.
See it's not the vulgar slang for the Verb sex that recieves a lot of backlash when used in a sentence these days. It is in fact related to the one that is empowering to the Noun sex: the XXs to be precise.

I have had conversations on this topic with a variety of people. Now the one's with my friends have always been extremely intense. All of us have so many incredibly painful and ridiculous stories that it is impossible for the conversation to not intensify.
I have had this discussion with the 'elders' and 80% of the time, I had to leave it halfway because of how normal they made it seem.
I also had discussions with my classmates and the results have been..quite appalling, to put it mildly.

It is one thing to not see hope in the parent generation. But to hear those same words out of the mouths of people of my age, who has recieved the same education as me, tops in classes (that is explicitly based on ideas and concepts), is exposed to the same technology as me, is a whole new ball game. Let's just say it was one of the most disgustingly enlightening conversations of my life that I will remember till my last breath, because that is the day I realised how deep this shit is that we are in.

One thing that me and my friends would be asked a lot everytime the topic of equality would come up is why we need reservation, as that is in direct violation to everything we are rooting for.

Let's say we want to have apples from our own garden. So the first thing that we need to do, is plant the the seeds, right? On the same page so far? Good. Now, we will obviously assume that the weather conditions are all favourable over here. So we look for the seeds, plant it, water them regularly, wait for it to grow so it can give us the necessary results: the apples!
It will be ridiculous to expect the apples to pop up the moment you decide you want your own apple tree, is it not?
Does the said concern seem ridiculous yet? 
No? Okay.
Let me take the help of this guy called Karunesh Talwar (who I discovered yesterday and have been laughing ever since.)(Yes. This is also a shameless promotion for him.) who says it like it is :-

Next thing that I have seen people have a lot of issues with, is the term itself.

I mean how can a Man be associated with a word that starts with "fem-"? Some of them would rather prefer to be called 'egalitarian' even.
No issues there. We call ourselves whatever suits our bone. As long as we acknowledge the issue and do whatever in our power to do what's best. But let's remember one thing. We all are a part of "Mankind" and I can safely vouch for all the Women in this world, that no one feels their feminity being threatened by this term. So..🙊

What is 'normal' now is harmful for half the population. This thought itself should motivate us enough to want to better our future. Avoiding the discussion never solve problems. All the more reason why I will keep sharing and keep posting more on this topic. Let me end my rant for the time being with this speech by Justin Trudeau. 

Oh. And I am a Feminist. Did I mention?

P.S. - There will be more on this thread. It is getting too long, so I will post it in parts. Stay tuned! :(:


  1. Damn it, this was so appropriately put.
    I love how you've spoken the words I've been too lazy to write. Fucking amazing.


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