Sleeping At Last (Micro Blog)

I have been obsessing over Sleeping At Last for the last couple of months. In case you haven't heard of him you should look him up here.

The thing about his music that makes him so appealing is how he mixes them with his videos, which for some reason he calls 'Micro Music Videos'. Take the following video for example called Mercury (if you like grass, now would be an amazing time to have some. Just saying...) :-

Imagine you are sitting by your window with a cup of coffee and a book lying by your side. You decide to take a break from it while you finish the coffee. You turn on some music while you are at it. You look by your window, the music starts playing and before you know it, you are lost in introspection. The cup of coffee blends perfectly with the cups of your hands while your thumbs brush against each other everytime you try to make circular patterns with it. The real world gets unfazed and blurry in front of your eyes while you wander all over your valley of thoughts.
Isn't it insane how brilliantly this video captures it all?

My mind blew into a thousand pieces when it hit me. I checked his other videos again and realised that this is something he does deliberately. He creates the ambience for you to get lost in and thereby make each song unique to each of his listeners.

One of the first songs I heard of him was Saturn. This video is somewhat different in terms of the number of times the frames change but it's so hard to look away, right?

He is an interesting guy. I heavily recommend him. (especially for grass-eaters)

Happy tripping!


  1. I should not have read this is reminding me of us


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